Our Goal, Vision & Commitment
Building on the legacy of my late mother Ms Felicitas Yoyeta Nnalongo, a mother of 10 children who spent her life caring for others, I established Felicitas Foundation (Felfo) on the simple belief that every woman deserves a chance to succeed, must be given an opportunity to reach her potential. I also believe that women become productive when given the means and time to work for a better future.
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We firmly believe that when diverse groups of people bring resources together in the spirit of true cooperation, transformative ideas will emerge to drive life-changing action.
How We Work
To fulfill this mission, the Felicitas Foundation will try to find strategic partners to develop and implement programs that create economic opportunity, improve women projects and inspire young women to engage in education, creativity and economic development.
Within those three areas, any local project that aims to help women develop can apply for funding. From helping young women go back to school in Africa ,to boosting income generating projects and helping fragile single mothers economically. Another area is bringing awareness to human trafficking & childhood poverty and its effects on the development efforts.
Become a member or Volunteer
The main objective of Felfo is to create economic opportunity and inspire the youth women and those who care for the elderly to engage in their social development.
The select projects that are designed to make a real impact on local communities and those that can make a difference. Our projects also serve as models for new developments in the regions Felfo serves. The goal is to use every effort and resources available to get better results faster and at the lowest possible cost
Felfo welcomes new partnerships that share the same goals. Some partnerships under consideration are The Uganda Red Cross ( URCS), Mityana General Hospital, Kiyinda mityana Diocese, E-Mocase Project & Banaki Arts in Uganda. Manos Unidos in Spain. Saartije Baartman Centre in South Africa and Umoja in Kenya. The partnerships help us join effort in our outreach but also allow us to coordination better in each region where we operate.
Any private individual, group or company is welcome.